Season Rates

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hello Everyone!

This past weekend I spent quite a bit of time with my family. My brother Daniel had a performance for piano, where we took a few moments to do a super cool portrait of this super cool pianist. Then, on Saturday night we went to my siblings quartet performance [The Dickson String Quartet] with their orchestra [OPAYCO]. I took some pictures there also for their blogs.

On account for the horrific economic times, I'm offering a "Give Back" special on weddings and portraits. For the months of March and April, all bookings will be 35% off. I know. I think I'm crazy. But we all are in this crisis together, and I figure, if I love to shoot, I should help you to have beautiful portraits that you love - and besides that, we'd have a blast together!

So, on any emails you shoot me about bookings, just mention that you'd like the "Give Back" rates. And we'll help each other through this time.




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