What Exactly Is Your Work Again???

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Missions Photography.

I am sure this is a complicated subject. A lot of people don't understand but that's ok. I am gonna try to clarify.

I take pictures for missions organizations. I take pictures to tell people at home what God is doing around the world. I take pictures to inspire others to reach out to their world. I take pictures to tell stories.

Some people may not think this is a valid ministry. I would dare say, why ever not? With my camera, I can go to the slums of Fiji and by taking portraits for the people living there, open up the door for other ministry's to come in without difficulty and preach the gospel. With my camera, I can support organizations that bring prostitutes off the street and give them a place to live and grow. With my camera, I can write stories that explain the needs and works of people around the world.

Simply because...I have a camera.

I don't know what missions photography is going to look like for me the next few years. I wish I could set a plan and just go after it. I want nothing more than to reach into the lives of those in need, help, and inspire others to help too.

I want to change the world with my camera.

Right now, this is the part of the story I'm braving.

I would dare say that couples who are interested in supporting non profits and philanthropy would be excited to book me as their wedding photographer. I work for the good of the couple, but I also work wedding photography so I can support people in need around the world.

Wouldn't the world be a beautiful place if we all did this?


Brad said...

Hi Christina, I really enjoy your blog.

Unknown said...

hello cristina, go if you have very nice pictures, I love what you do. Well, be happy.

Ruth Ann said...

thanks for sharing your story, Christina!!! Like you, I would love to be able to set a plan and just go after it. But right now there is a lot of questions, waiting and wanting God to tell me what His will is - cause it's really to be all about Him, right?

I've been amazed, especially since IPS, to see the impact I can make with my camera. It's pretty amazing, and I love to be able to tell a story, to express my feelings and capture the moment with this amazing tool. It's quite exciting and I look forward to seeing how God is going to use my camera for His glory. Sometimes it's hard because I just wish He'd tell me straight out what He wants me to do, then I'd just go and do it. But sometimes the questions in my own heart & life lead me to the real answers...ever so slowly at times, but there nonetheless.

I really appreciated this post, Christina! I love you. :)

- Ruth Ann

James said...

Hey christina,

i'll just like to encourage you that God never likes to be boxed up.. if not he wun be God right? so God can use you in many ways, your picture taking, your travelling around the world.. etc..

Your pictures could tell stories, could encourage others and many more... and amid all these, you can also share the Gospel and the love that God have for all His little children around the world, through this, photography has open doors for you to travel and reach out to others!!

so continue what you are doing, MUCH MORE, in all that you do, reach out to others in love and shine for God in those darkest place!!

after all this, ultimately... God's will be done and the Great commision, Go forth into the world to preach the Good news of the free gift of salvation...

and tell that story with your pictures!!


Frank said...

Outstanding post. I came across this blog from the DPS blog.

It's amazing to see someone with your desire. I agree with you as well. I dare someone to challenge that as a ministry.

Keep up the amazing work
May God keep blessing you.


Kara said...

Hi... Lovely blog and beautiful pictures...
I'm inspired to go on a mission trip again!

-Kara (singapore)

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