Daniel: Professional Musician

Friday, July 24, 2009

I know a sister is not supposed to have favorite brothers. But, I think I must break that rule. Daniel is my favorite brother - my favorite 16 year old brother [he's the only one right now.lol.] Smart. Talented. Confident. And a bit headstrong - which I can say because we're cut from the same cloth.

My brother Daniel is 16 and heading off to college on a full ride music scholarship. Gracing the world with remarkable skills in piano and cello performance, Daniel is from a unique breed of musicians. He's gifted, but when motivated, knows how to work those 8 hour practice days without complaint.

I am so very proud of my little brother. I know God has amazing things in store for him. I know that this next year is going to be an adventure, and a challenge, and I look forward to being there to support him.

I love you Daniel. You keep rocking the world.

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