Jess and Jared are Getting Married

Saturday, February 21, 2009

I met Jessica ten years ago exactly. I was fourteen years old sent to a music camp for a month. First time away from home and I was determined to do things right. That's where Jessica and I met. After hearing we were both from the same state, we became fast friends.

Since that time, we've only seen each other a handful of times. Her graduation. A visit to my house. And now our lives will be reunited with the photography for her engagement and wedding.

When it all boils down to one thing, this is what I have to say: Jessica and Jared are the perfect couple. Fun. Deep. Rooted. Best friends. Who doesn't want that? The two hours we spent together felt like a fun day out between old friends.

Congratulations Jessica and Jared.

I can't wait till your wedding!

[Note: Music Copyright Lifehouse. For presentation purposes only. Not for sale].


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